When you meet someone for the first time, are you reacting to the experience they create for you or are you basing your decision to engage further on facts? Chances are you’ll label the experience as either good or bad experience based on your past experiences.

Your initial reaction will not be based on facts even if the person is delivering very compelling information. How often have you been at a party or social gathering and you stand and shake your head up and down with a smile as the person you’re speaking with goes on and on about whatever.

This is exactly what your prospects do if you let them. Fortunately, your competition is using many of these old school proving-and-telling approaches. Their emails and voicemails are laden with in what they want versus what is in the best interest of the prospect.

Even in this brief initial interaction your prospects will either feel safe in speaking with you, or not. The decision comes long before you share your value or impact. As you craft email introductions, focus on your opening. The following tips that will help your prospects feel comfortable in your initial conversations.

  1. Be transparent: Communicate with the prospect what is going to happen and why you’re reaching out.
  2. Be human: Don’t be afraid to share how you might be feeling.
  3. Use empathy: Put yourself in their shoes. Use your knowledge regarding what’s happening in their world, and what they are experiencing – then reference that in your communication.

Sample Introductions:

#1 “With all the hype out there, I felt a little trepidation about sending this email. So many of these introductions include blind promises and overstated facts. At this point, I can’t be presumptuous and assume that I know your priorities, but if they fall into any of the following categories, an introduction may have merit.”

#2 “We’ve never met, and because of this I realize I haven’t built any trust or credibility with you. Instead of asking you for your time – as most introductions begin, I’m going to give first. This will allow you to gain an experience void of vague promises and typical industry hype.”

Remember, the point of the introduction is to draw your prospect in by changing their experience. They expect you to tell them how great you are, so don’t. Focus on the initial interaction first.


Once you’ve established the introduction, give them the reason for your outreach. Clearly state how you might be able to impact their business. Do not communicate facts. Facts are too easily filtered and minimized.

The experience you give your prospect has a direct correlation with the return experience they create for you. A prospect will make a decision to use your service or product only after they react to your introduction and conversation.